bemerkungen / liner notes

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07. 10, zu hören ist ein sample von den IDF (Israel Defense Forces). Mahmoud redet mit vater, mutter + verwandten. es ist jener terrorist, der gerade (7.10.2023) irgendwo in einem süd-israelischen kibbutz steht, dort (wahrscheinlich) eigenhändig 10 menschen umgebracht hat und dies seinen eltern telefonisch (er benutzt dazu das mobile phone eines seiner opfer) mitteilt. zu hören ist nur seine stimme.

09. das foto, am 18.4.2024 fand ein weiteres begräbnis für einen früheren freund statt. wir hatten während unserer studienzeit (ab ca. 1972)  mehrere jahre zusammen gewohnt, fussball zusammen gespielt und unzählige abende in der kneipe verbracht. während eines fussballtuniers wurde auch ein foto 'geschossen', das mir jedoch erst kürzlich (also anfang 2024) wieder zugeschickt wurde. zu diesem zeitpunkt war jedoch mein freund schon sehr krank. das foto bleibt also eine schöne erinnerung an unbeschwerte tage.

11. besser als nichts, zu hören ist ein sample von den IDF (Israel Defense Forces). vater, mutter + verwandte reden mit Mahmoud. das ist jener terrorist, der gerade (7.10.2023) irgendwo in einem süd-israelischen kibbutz steht, dort (wahrscheinlich) eigenhändig 10 menschen umgebracht hat und dies seinen eltern telefonisch (er benutzt dazu das mobile phone eines seiner opfer) mitteilt. zu hören sind nur die stimmen aus Gaza.



01. xxxxxxxxxxxx

 02. xxxxxxxxxxxx

03. xxxxxxxxxxxx

04. xxxxxxxxxxxx

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06. xxxxxxxxxxxx

07. 10, You can hear a sample from the IDF (Israel Defense Forces). Mahmoud is talking to his father, mother + some relatives. It is the terrorist who is currently (October 7, 2023) standing somewhere in a southern Israeli kibbutz, has (probably) killed 10 people there with his own hands and is telling his parents about this by telephone (he is using the mobile phone of one of his victims). only his voice can be heard.

these notes, taken from 'THE TIMES OF ISRAEL' (25 October 2023, 5:29 am) describe the details:

"The military on Tuesday published a recording of a Hamas terrorist who took part in the October 7 onslaught in southern Israel bragging to his parents of slaughtering Jews, as Israel continues to put out further details from the murderous assault earlier this month. In the call, the man can be heard excitedly telling his parents that he is in Mefalsim, a kibbutz near the Gaza border, and that he alone killed 10 Jews. “Look how many I killed with my own hands! Your son killed Jews!” he says, according to an English translation. “Mom, your son is a hero,” he later adds. His parents are heard praising him during the call. Identified by his father as Mahmoud, the terrorist says he is calling his family from the phone of a Jewish woman he’s just murdered, and implores them to check his WhatsApp messages for further documentation. “I wish I was with you,” the mother says. The audio was played earlier at the UN Security Council by Foreign Minister Eli Cohen..."

the audio was posted on 'X' (former 'Twitter') on 24 October 2023, 7:49 pm by the IDF (Israel Defense Forces). they commented the recording by "Look how many I killed with my own hands! Your son killed Jews!” Listen to a phone call of a Hamas terrorist calling home, bragging about how many people he massacred.The whole world needs to hear this.".

09. das foto, On April 18, 2024, another funeral took place for a former friend. During our student days (from around 1972) we lived together for several years, played football together and spent countless evenings in the pub. A photo was also 'taken' during a football tournament, but it was only sent back to me recently (at the beginning of 2024). However, at this point my friend was already very ill. The photo remains a nice memory of carefree days.

11. besser als nichts, You can hear a sample from the IDF (Israel Defense Forces). a man (father), a woman (mother) + some more persons are talking to Mahmoud. This is the terrorist who is currently (October 7th, 2023) standing somewhere in a southern Israeli kibbutz, where he (probably) killed 10 people with his own hands and is telling his parents about this by telephone (he is using the mobile phone of one of his victims). only the voices from Gaza can be heard.